Vinidex Sink-Guard

Designed and developed in Australia, Sink-Guard is a new waste water screening device, recently launched internationally and awarded a special commendation at the design build Australia 2006 awards.
Sink-Guard collects and retains solid waste from household kitchen or laundry sinks, allowing us to be environmentally responsible whilst ensuring optimum performance and a reduction in maintenance costs for our septic tanks or home sewerage treatment systems.
Solids in domestic waste water also pose an ongoing threat to municipal sewerage systems and treatment plants. Sink-Guard is an ideal replacement for the in-sink garbage grinder as it prevents solid waste entering the sewerage system, certainly SA Water's preference but also reduces water and electricity consumption required to power the grinder.
Sink-Guard features a screening basket which filters out any solids, so instead of flushing them down the drain we can use them as compost or landfill. It also has a unique shut-off valve preventing anything being discharged from the sink until the basket is replaced; ensuring only waste water goes down the drain.
This brilliant environmental product is readily available from Reece Plumbing Outlets also check out their new low level water trap that compliments the Sink-Guard and certainly reduces the space taken up in kitchen cupboards. For more information visit
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